Adjustable Nylon-Filament Lanyard - 3 m to 5.5 m


  • Unique and versatile connecting device designed for use in fall-arrest systems. Suited for workers on transmission towers and other elevated sites.
  • The wire pigtail is constructed from 7/32'' (6 mm) flexible steel cable and is coated in durable vinyl for a total diameter of 9/32'' (7 mm).
  • The pigtail is designed to wrap around structural members with sharp edges and attach back onto itself using a Klein-Lok™ snap hook. Never attach rope-lanyard end back onto itself.
  • This connecting device must only be fastened to structures (or other anchorages) that are capable of supporting 5000 lbs.
  • The adjustable, long-strand nylon-filament lanyard is 1/2'' (13 mm) in diameter and is permanently attached to the pigtail end.
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Feature Icon klein/wf_ope-fall-arrest-icon.jpg